Sunday, February 25, 2007

House in Quarantine.

Plague has set in at my house. Rowen woke up running a fever last Tuesday. He stayed home and was fine as long as I kept him dosed up on Tylenol. Wednesday he went to school, again dosed up on Tylenol, and had a good day at school. He now has a cough that is slowly getting better.

With all my best prevention techniques, Eilish started running a low grade fever on Friday. This would have been fine except Eilish had gymnastics meet this weekend. Considering the fever, Eilish held her own and understands why she scored how she did.

Elora has yet to pick "it" up. Thank goodness. Hopefully she be able to fight this off.

I will try to blog more later.

Peace and Good Health,

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Thoughts for Ash Wednesday.

Welcome to the first day of Lent. That' right, it's Ash Wednesday and the party is over. Forty days until Easter, what temptations will you overcome on your journey through life.

The only "physical" sacrifice that I am making is to give up soda, or any other drink with high fructose corn syrup. They're not good for you and I don't need the extra calories. I should "be feeling the love" from the coffee shops as they will be my main supplier of caffeine. I may also take up yoga, but this is still under consideration.

The other thing that I will be working on is conquering apathy and laziness. I feel that I, more than most people, should know that none of us know the amount of time that we have on this Earth and I need to start making best of everyday given. Christa taught me this. I'm not ready to give all the details of what this means except to say it is time to put up or shut up. The few small projects that I have accomplished lately around the house have wet my appetite for more.

So your challenge today is to ask yourself, "what can I do today to improve my situation?" It is a simple question and I know you'll find the answer to be just as simple. Take that answer and act on it. I'm near certain that you will feel better about yourself even if you don't succeed. It is the challenge, and the journey, that matters.

Until next time.

Peace and Good Cheers,

Monday, February 19, 2007

Join The Aleconner Book Club.

We went to see Bridge To Terabithia yesterday. I've thought about this movie a lot today and have come to some conclusions that I thought I might share. No need to worry, I won't give anything away.

For anyone who wonders how I feel about what has happened in my life over the past six months, take two hours out of your life and go see this movie. It encapsulates many of the emotions and thoughts I have and feel. It also sums up why I feel that I have to be the best father I can be.

If you don't feel like seeing the movie, then join me in reading the book. I'm starting today. It should be a quick read and I'm sure that we will all have some very interesting discussions.

Peace and Good Reading,

Friday, February 16, 2007

Second Snow This Week.

So tonight was the Lee School dance. Anybody want to guess what the weather decided to do? You guessed it two inches in just under 2 hours. I think they pull out the old farmer's almanac and look for the Friday night with the best chance at getting the crappiest weather. I can hear the discussion, "hey, here it is, February 16th, three to five inches of snow with wind gust up to twenty miles an hour and a high in the teens. All for the 16th say yea, all opposed nae, the yeas carry with no decent.

As usual, the halls were at capacity with kids and parents. Where is a hall monitor when you need one? The weather didn't detour many from showing up and having fun.

Now for something completely different. I picked up everyone's packages from the post office today. Seems the postman decided not to leave them at the house. You would have thought it was Christmas seeing me leaving the post office with four packages, one on top of the other. Thank you goes out to my Mom and Dad, Sue and Gary, Jen and Ken and the boys, Catha and Jon and the kids, Ivan and Regina and the kids, and Joan. I will try to verbally say thanks next time talk, but until then I wanted to let everyone know that everything arrived and was appreciated.

Peace and Good Cheer,

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Ready For St. Patrick's Day.

Hope you have a Super Valentine's Day.

Peace and Good Cheers,

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

33 Is The New 42.

This Brain Age game is really interesting. I'm sure that a good percentage of any improvement is in learning how to take the test. Having achieved a Brain Age score of 33, I'm wondering if I forget something from two or three weeks ago, is it because I've now regressed to that age? If this isn't the case I, at least, should get originality points for coming up with this excuse.

Now, as Shelly has pointed out, I just need to get the rest of me performing at age 33. I know what you all are thinking and your probably right.

Peace and Good Cheers,

Monday, February 12, 2007

Good Morning, Good Monday.

I hope that all are well this morning. Sorry for the lack of attention that this blog has been getting lately. I would like to be able to tell you that I've been so busy with everything that I just haven't had time to post. Truth is, I've just been hanging out with the kids watching movies and thinking how I really should post something.

I've decided that it is time to get some things done that I have been putting off. The first, taking a few minutes to update my blog. The second, enjoy a cup of coffee at my favorite coffee shop.

I'm not going to give you the entire list of things that need to be done. Let's just say that I've got enough to justify taking Wednesday off and getting them done. If I don't get them done I won't be able to use the "lack of time excuse" anymore. I'll have to find a more creative excuse, example: The dog ate my free time.

I did get my "gallery wall" painted this weekend. Now I'm trying to decide the best configuration of Christa's paintings to hang. I'm very pleased with the way it has turned out so far. She would be pleased. When I get everything hung I'll post some pictures.

I'm going to wrap this up for now. I'll try to be a more dedicated blogger going forward, at least as long as I don't start repeating myself. Blog you later.

Peace and Good Cheers,

Brain Age = 33

Sunday, February 04, 2007

What is a Soul Mate?

I wish I could claim these words for my own:

What is a Soul Mate?

If you have found a smile that is the sweetest one you’ve known,
If you have heard, within a voice,
The echoes of your own,
If you have felt a touch that stirs the longings of your heart,
And still can feel that closeness
In the moments you’re apart,
If you have filled with wonder
At the way two lives can blend
To weave a perfect pattern
That is seamless, end to end,
If you believe some things in life are simply meant to be,
Then you have found your soul mate,
Your heart’s own destiny.

By Emily Matthews
Peace and Good Cheers,

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Another Short Update.

I know, you thought I forgot how to type. The truth is I haven't really had anything to say. Life is VERY routine . I take the kids to school, go to work, pick the kids up from school, come home and then get ready to start the process over again. Exciting don't you think. Every week day down is one day closer to the weekend.

I started a project a couple of weeks ago that I'm hoping to get motivated enough to finish this weekend. I installed about twelve feet of track lighting in my living/dining room. I'm going hang four or five of Christa's pieces on twenty feet of newly painted wall. It's the newly painted part that is challenging my motivation.

Eilish had her third meet of the season today. She went into the meet with reasonable goals. She wanted to place in at least one event, i.e. bring home a medal, and she wanted to improve her all-around score. She accomplished both. She placed sixth on vault, i.e. brought home a medal, and bettered her all-around score by four tenths. Wish you could have seen the grin on her face when she got her medal. Priceless.

Starting to have problems keeping my eyes open so I think I'll turn in. It is either turn in or crack open the books of toothpicks to hold the eyelids up. Ouch.

Peace and Good Cheers,

Brain Age = 38