Monday, May 21, 2007

A Doctor Story.

So today on of Christa's doctors, her OB/GYN, came into Chipotle for lunch with her husband. As I watched her eat lunch, I felt this small wave of anger come over me that I have never felt before. This Doctor was the one who misdiagnosed Christa in the beginning. She had thought it was a mastitis. It was after two courses of antibiotics that she decided to send Christa for a biopsy and we all know the rest of the story.

Now, I know that Inflammatory Breast Cancer is hard to diagnose. Even with all the publicity that the disease has gotten it is still very rare and many doctors will never see it. I also know that this Doctor is very competent. In my opinion, she made an understandable mistake.

The thing that got me upset was that she was setting there enjoying lunch with her husband and having a good time. She was doing something that I don't get to do anymore.

I was really surprised at how these feelings came up. When it is all said and done, I was probably more bothered by how that "feeling" was able to well up inside of me, than I was with the Doctor.

I hope some of this makes sense.

Peace and Good Cheers,

Friday, May 18, 2007

I Dislike Hospitals.

This morning I escorted a friend of mine to the doctor for a biopsy for skin cancer. She has been putting it off for a while even though the Doctor had told her she thought they were benign. She called yesterday morning and said she was going today and would really like some company. So I made a mad dash of phone calls, got my shift covered, and did as I promised her I would do. She is a kindred spirit. She lost both of her parents to cancer. Her father passed away shortly before Christa.

Gotta tell you I don't like hospitals any better now than a year or two ago. But, I was able to "suck it up" and make it through.

I'm going to take the rest of the day and work on some projects at the house. The laundry is trying to reclaim a few rooms so the battle will ensue when I get home.

I hope everyone is well. I'll post again soon.

Peace and Good Cheer,

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Sorry I've been a poor host lately. I've been allowing other concerns to creep into my blogging time.

So now for an update. The kids are all doing well. They have been taking advantage of the sunshine to play outside as much as possible.

Eilish is making progress on her level six skills for next year. If she continues to practice this hard through the summer she should make it.

Elora's practices have gotten much better. Molly, her coach, developed a sheet which she fills out at the end of practice which tells how well they did. Elora was rather proud of her row full of checks for last night.

Rowen is his happy-go-lucky self. He and Elora are going to a birthday party at Bonkers tomorrow night. They will be exhausted. Ha Ha

I've yet to make it to yoga classes. The way it is looking now, it may be June before I get started. A friend has told me of another yoga studio I may look into.

Well I'm going to wrap this up for now. I gotta go pick up the kids from school.

Peace and Good Cheers,

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Happy mothers day to all who are. My moms, both Gretchen and Sue, have been there so many times for me over the last year that I thought that I needed give them a public thank you. THANK YOU.

I wanted to share with everyone the gift that I gave Sue for Mothers Day. My mom and sister, Jennifer, made a throw blanket for her that has a patch work heart sewn in the middle. The heart is made from some of Christa’s clothes; head scarfs, pajamas, shirts, etc.

They made one for Sue and each of the kids. It will give the kids a comfort tool when they need one.

Peace and Happy Mothers Day,

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Funny Ha Ha.

I sometimes feel that God must be having a good laugh at my expense. I was all excited about going to my yoga class on Friday. Got there a little early and waited. Finally, at the time that class was supposed to start, I looked at the calender on the door and noticed that my class is canceled until Intersession classes start. Hello, no one told me this during the planning process.

This is the second time in two weeks that something I was really looking forward to has been canceled. The first was the gallery crawl and now this.

I feel like I should expect my counseling session to be canceled at the last minute just so I don't get my hopes up. If it does get canceled expect to see me on the news tomorrow evening, standing in the middle of the 9th street, yelling at the top of my voice, "why has thou forsaken me?".

Or maybe I'll just go drink a beer.

Peace and Good Cheers,

Friday, May 04, 2007

Gonna Relax Until It Hurts.

I have about thirty minutes before my first yoga class. I hope the instructor doesn't tie me in some shape loosely resembling a pretzel. I also hope they have 911 on speed dial just in case.

I decided to go easy on the coffee this morning, just one, little, eight ounce cup. I didn't think drinking several cups would be such a good idea before trying to learn to relax.

So far the majority of voters, all 2 of them, have chosen "The Coffee Press" as their favorite name for my next business venture. You can always just email your vote to me if you don't want to post in the comments section.

Gotta go.

Peace and Good Cheers,

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Stress Bad. Help Good.

As some may know, my stress level has been a little high over the previous couple of weeks. I feel like that I have come to some realizations as to what is causing this and am now taking some steps to remedy this.

I start yoga classes on Friday at 9:30. This, in it's own right, is a sacrifice in that the "High Court of Caffeine", i.e. morning coffee, will only be in session for roughly 45 minutes. After yoga, it's off to work.

I have also decided to meet with the Pastor of my church for counsel. For those who remember, Amy was the official at Christa's memorial service. I will meet with her on Monday, after work. It should be interesting.

Now I'm trusting that those who are reading this will be discreet about some of this information as I don't want rumors started. After all, it's not like I'm posting it on the web. Wish me luck.

Peace and Less Stress To All,

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

News From The High Court of Caffiene.

Now for some good news. I got a letter from Stephens College saying that Rowen had received a $5500 scholarship to attend day care there during the 07-08 school year. That will cover everything but before and after daycare which cost me about $100 a month.

For those whom I have not told, Rowen is now learning to write letters and numbers and he can also recognize the letters in his name with ease. He will be 4 in June.

Now for something completely different.

For those who don’t know, I backed out of the coffee shop plan because I was concerned with the amount of time that this project would have taken from the family. I did offer my services as a consultant to owners of the building but have not heard back from them.

I have decided to pursue my weekly, lite news, publication which I have mentioned before. It would be something I can start from home and with very little financial output. It would be similar in format to Coffee News for those who have seen this publication. I have two possible names and would like to hear your thoughts:
  1. The Coffee Press
  2. The Bistro Bugle
Thanks and I look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please keep this information on the "down low" as I can't afford to give away another idea like eBay.

Peace and Good Cheers,

P.S. I'm holding court at the coffee shop this morning until 9:30 am.